Zoe Rapoport In The Media
With over 10 years of experience as a licensed clinical psychologist, Dr. Rapoport is dedicated to helping women realize their strength through assertive communication & boundary-setting skills.
Dr. J. Zoe Rapoport specializes in treating women’s health and gender issues, life transitions, relationship struggles, and anxiety. She is passionate about empowering women to understand how to set boundaries using assertive communication. From her own experiences come stories shared across numerous media appearances discussing how we can assert ourselves in both our personal and professional lives. Be sure to stay tuned to hear about the next time Dr. Rapoport will be speaking!
Transform Your Communication Style
Free Mini Masterclass with Dr. J. Zoe Rapoport
October 13, 2022
Transform your communication style with Dr. J Zoe Rapoport's free mini masterclass! Learn the secrets to being assertive, clear and respectful in expressing yourself - so you can get what YOU need out of any conversation. Unlock your Potential now by watching the replay, brought to you courtesy of IGA Club Facebook Group.
Boost Your Business Bootcamp
Free Mini Masterclass with Dr. J. Zoe Rapoport
September 15, 2022
The Boost Your Business Bootcamp is a week of free expert videos for business owners. Get tips and tricks from Dr. J. Zoe Rapoport on how understanding different types of communication, setting reasonable goals for yourself, and pushing past mental barriers can help you become an even more effective leader.
Choosing Therapy: Assertiveness Training
April 28, 2022
The Choosing Therapy Directory features profiles of therapists who are available for both in-person and online therapy. Dr. Zoe Rapoport is featured in their Assertiveness Training article as an expert on how it can help you set boundaries and assert your needs in order to create a fulfilling life.
Women’s Thoughts Podcast
April 27, 2022
Dani and Brandy have guest, Zoe Rapoport, who is a Psychologist and Assertive Communication Coach. We discuss how to navigate gaining more assertiveness in your life without crossing the threshold to being mean. Listen here!
Post Natal Fitness Hub
April Guest Expert Zoe Rapoport
April 15, 2022
Gemma Owens hosts guest expert, Zoe Rapoport who shares her personal story about becoming a new mom and learning how to set boundaries during her postpartum recovery. Zoe discusses topics that affect women in the postpartum phase, including gender roles, setting boundaries, self-care and confidence. Watch here!