Pregnancy Self-Care Tips for Each Trimester

Pregnancy is a major milestone in a woman’s life and one that comes with so much change. Even if your pregnancy was planned, it can still feel extremely overwhelming to enter into this new world. To have a healthy pregnancy, a lot of your focus will be on doing things that are good for your baby. Part of doing the right thing for your baby should be taking care of yourself. While there’s a lot to get done before the baby comes, you need to focus on your own health and well-being. These tips for self-care during pregnancy can help you prioritize your health and wellness for the benefit of you and your baby.

First Trimester Self-Care

The first trimester can be an exciting time, but it can also be filled with anxiety and unpleasant pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, food aversions, and, not to mention, extreme fatigue since you have a growing baby in your womb! Each woman’s pregnancy is unique, as are the circumstances surrounding each pregnancy. It’s important to pay attention to your body and find what works best for you. Below are a few basic self-care ideas to help you in your first trimester:

  • Schedule an appointment with a doctor or midwife as soon as you find out you are pregnant (some offices have several weeks wait times, so it’s good to get an appointment on the books early)

  • Take naps as often as you can, and sleep as often as you can (get to bed early!). If you work all day or are home taking care of other children, napping may be difficult but still try to find time to rest throughout the day and take it easy when you can. This will also be a great way to manage stress.

  • Do light exercise, such as yoga or walking in the fresh air, when you feel you are able. Listen to your body when it comes to exercise and movement, and avoid any exercise that is too strenuous. 

  • Eat healthy foods with key nutrients as much as possible, but eat foods you can tolerate if you are experiencing nausea and vomiting. Don’t forget to hydrate also! It is recommended that pregnant women drink 8-12 cups of water a day. 

  • Keep a journal to record your thoughts, feelings, and even questions you may have for your doctor or midwife. Keeping a journal can help you identify the causes of anxiety and stress, and it may help to share pregnancy-related fears with your partner, support system, or a trusted friend. 

Second Trimester Self-Care

Many pregnant women struggle with practicing self-care, and it’s not hard to see why. Between managing pregnancy symptoms, making a registry, setting up a nursery, preparing for a baby shower, and going to dozens of appointments, it can be hard to put yourself first, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. This is an important lesson because when your new bundle of joy does arrive, it can be even harder to find time for yourself. Practicing self-care during pregnancy will help you later on, and will help you to practice filling your cup before you are drained. This trimester can start to get uncomfortable, but we’ve compiled a list of very simple tips to help you relax, manage stress, and take care of yourself in small ways:

  • Buy high-quality belly butter (or shea butter) and rub it on your growing belly and your aching feet!

  • Paint your nails a fun and vibrant color, and if you can’t reach your feet, ask your spouse or support system to paint your toenails!

  • Order take-out from your favorite restaurant one night a week instead of cooking. 

  • Go to the bookstore and buy a new fiction book to read at night to take a break from scrolling through pregnancy blogs. 

  • Book a prenatal massage to help with any aches or pains you have been experiencing.

Third Trimester Self-Care

Hang in there, mama! After morning sickness, swollen feet, and a growing baby belly, you have finally reached the third trimester, and the most amazing moment is when you meet your new baby for the first time. This trimester should be all about prioritizing rest and comfort whenever you can.

  • Lean into the “nesting instinct,” and have fun decorating the baby’s room and even decorating your room, as it’s likely you’ll be spending a lot of time in there once the baby arrives!

  • Attend a prenatal yoga class, if you haven’t already. The gentle stretches and breathing exercises will help you feel calm and relaxed. 

  • Celebrate your third trimester with a date night out with your spouse, or plan a fun evening in your home by cooking healthy foods with key nutrients together or doing a puzzle together. 

  • Pamper yourself often! Whether you get your hair done, get a prenatal massage, take a bath, or get your nails done, pampering is a must during the third trimester, especially toward the very end. Find time to take care of yourself, and you won’t regret it!