Womens’ Empowerment Group



Our Women’s Empowerment group focuses on helping participants find their voice and speak clearly and with an assertive sense of confidence. We offer small, achievable goals and techniques every week to guide you to a sense of empowerment, knowing you deserve to be seen and heard at work, at home, and in your family. We will offer the opportunity to address specific situations that you would like to respond to more confidently and assertively. 

  • Weekly on Tuesdays, 12:00 - 1:00 PM EST

  • Cost: $50/Week

  • Group size is capped at 8

Why Try Our Virtual Therapy Groups?

We know everyone is tired of virtual meetings. It’s become tiring, frustrating, and increasingly difficult to focus. 
So let's talk about why you want to sign up for an online therapy group, especially right now:


Groups offer a space for positive, affirming & safe connections.
Exploring your emotions and experiences alongside peers who get it and won’t judge you because they are going through the same thing is a powerful tool for healing & change.


Effectively learn and implement new skills through practice, shared experiences & support.
Small group content is customized to match the learning styles of group members & to meet your goals.


Groups allow for real-time expression and processing of emotions, problem-solving & implementation of coping strategies to build resiliency & positive communication skills.

New Groups to begin in Fall 2022!