Do you say yes to people even when you’re already overwhelmed and wish you could say no?


Or do you avoid confrontation at all costs, even if it holds you back from reaching your goals?

What if you could…

  • Express your needs without feeling rude or selfish

  • Have the relationships you want

  • Get the pay raise you deserve

  • Have those difficult conversations that lead to resolution, not conflict


Our passion is helping women find their voice. We want to teach you to speak with intention and develop the ability to communicate with confidence.

This workshop will teach you proven ways to effectively communicate with others, increasing your impact and successful conversations. You will begin to feel seen and heard at work, home, with friends, and everywhere else!

Over 4 weeks together, we will teach and practice specific methods of approaching challenging situations that you probably tend to avoid, but need to address. This includes

  • Using clear language while exploring what is blocking your ability to effectively voice your ideas and needs.

  • Using small, achievable goals and techniques to guide you to a sense of empowerment.

  • The opportunity to address specific situations that you want to respond to more confidently and assertively in each week’s Hot Seat.

    We know you deserve to be seen and heard. At the end of this workshop, you’ll know exactly what to say and how to prepare for every conversation at work or at home.

Our goal is for you to leave with a clear script and plan to communicate with your friends, family, and coworkers!

The Online ELEVATE Communication Workshop is starting Tuesday, November 8, 2022 from 5:30-6:30pm EST!

Early Action takers get $100 off! - use code EARLYBIRD22 until October 28, 2022 or use this link!

  • Investment: $397 Total - Commitment of 4 weeks required

  • Group size is capped at 10 to allow all participants to be fully engaged.

These online support groups and workshops run once a week for 4 weeks.



I'm Zoe Rapoport

I've been a women's health psychologist for over 10 years and a business owner for over 5 years. I've had to learn new ways of communicating with clients, staff, colleagues, family, and friends. I've been "too passive", "too aggressive", and just right. I've learned that the best way to communicate with others involves knowing them as well as yourself and keeping it clear and simple.

 In my work and with peers  I continuously hear the same struggles over and over again. Women struggling to ask for the most basic of needs that they both deserve and are entitled to. Amazing women leaders struggling to set limits, policies, and boundaries with their team, partner, or even friends. Or, "how do I say no without hurting their feelings?"

I've created this program in response to a need I see everyday and to tell you how to move past these limiting beliefs. With your words, you can communicate that you have a boundary, need, or limit that is well within reason and more than deserved. HOWEVER, if you don't speak up, no one will ever know! This course was born from many years of encouraging and leading women to value their needs over appeasing others' imagined reactions. 

Person in meeting taking notes | assertive communication support group in New York, NY |assertiveness training | assertive communication workshop | online support group | |  Brooklyn, NY 11213 | West Midtown Manhattan, NY 10001 | Manhattan, NY

If you’re ready to transform your communication…

Then you’re in the right place!

But first, why is it important to speak assertively?

In this virtual world, effective communication skills are more important than ever.

Using your voice is the best way to share your thoughts, ideas, and needs with others in real-time. But what if the idea of speaking up makes you freeze in place?

Most of us are raised to be passive in our communication skills with our parents and elder. This means that we aren’t taught the skills necessary to be assertive later in life.

Instead, the idea of speaking assertively feels uncomfortable, rude, or even aggressive. In fact, you may fear triggering the feeling that someone will react negatively to you or be upset with you.

This is all learned behavior from when you were young. To really change it, you have to break those associations from the past and learn new ways of communicating with your peers, employers, and family. Beginning an assertiveness support group in New York, NY can provide you with the effective communication skills you need to stand up.

Are you ready to Speak Up in Our Assertiveness Communication Workshop in New York, NY?

Women in a group on laptops. We all need support and beginning assertiveness training can help. Try our assertiveness support group in New York, NY and see how your confidence improves

Understanding your mental barriers to communicating with confidence is the first step to building new communication skills

We know, you’re tired of virtual meetings. It’s become tiring, frustrating, and increasingly difficult to focus. 
So let's talk about why you want to sign up for an assertiveness training in New York, NY, especially right now:


An Assertiveness Support Group offers a space for positive, affirming & safe connections.
Exploring your emotions and experiences alongside peers who get it. Plus, they won’t judge you because they are going through the same thing is a powerful tool for healing & change.


Effectively learn and implement new skills through our assertiveness communication training. Begin to share experiences & get the right support.
Small group content is customized to match the learning styles of group members & to meet your goals.


Online Support Groups in New York, NY allow for real-time expression and practice of new skills, problem-solving & implementation of coping strategies to build resiliency & positive communication skills.