6 Reasons to Embrace Dark Emotions

Grief, loss, sadness, anger, envy, jealousy, fear, guilt, shame, anxiety, depression, despair, and misery: these emotions can be a burden and feel extremely isolating. Any impending dark emotion threatens our

back of a woman with dark cloud around her. If you're looking for a way to embrace the darker emotions of life, these 6 tips can help. Read more for advice from a new york therapist, then make an appointment today!

mental and emotional safety. The existence of dark emotions and the idea of embracing them is something we instinctively run away from. Instead of exploring these emotions, we often suppress, recycle, and lock them away as they arise. It all comes down to the primal part of our nature as a response to imminent danger: fight or flight. And, when you're fighting an invisible enemy, the act of flight is all one can really do. Or is it? Changing your perspective to embrace all emotions, even the dark ones, can help you feel in control. Still unsure of the benefits?

Here are 6 reasons to embrace dark emotions: 

1. It makes you whole

We think we may be accomplishing something by avoiding our dark emotions, but this strategy does not serve our health or happiness. When we don’t deal with the source, we miss out on the ability to confront what is directly causing our distress. Our dark emotions are as much a part of us as the positive ones, and both make us whole. Our emotions are the universe's vast color palette. Difficult life transitions always bring dark emotions, and as humans, we go through so many difficult life transitions. As paradoxical as it may sound, the more we immerse ourselves in all of our emotions, even the dark ones, the more whole we become. 

2. It leads to self-awareness

Negative emotions are essential to our mental health. Surely, the spectrum of positive emotions irrefutably brings many benefits to our well-being; the danger lies in selectiveness. When we choose which emotions to embrace and which to ignore, we are unconsciously moving away from self-awareness. Not accepting our anxiety, depression, and other dark emotions can be detrimental in the sense that we aren’t confronting the root of our distress

3. Get to know who you really are

Person in the shadows in Northern Lights. Find out what six tips a new york therapist has for embracing the darker emotions of life. Read more for advice, then make an appointment!

Not getting to know ourselves before we die would be a colossal shame. We are capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit for.  By avoiding the dark, we are enforcing living in the dark. The ones who cannot afford to look in the mirror will, unquestionably, suffer the most. Remember: if we fail to embrace dark emotions, dark emotions will not fail to embrace us simply because "they" are us.

Many individuals struggle with addiction and relapse due to sheer fear of self-depth. To develop healthy coping skills to prevent addiction relapse, we must learn to manage triggers. How? By inviting the darkness in and expanding the knowledge of the self. This process can be daunting, especially if your dark emotions are caused by trauma, which is why it is so essential to find support through a professional therapist or support group. 

4. It builds resilience

Life is a beautiful balance, we all experience joy and happiness and grief and despair. We cannot change the experiences that happen to us, despite how much we wish we could. Things that wound us will happen; there’s no escaping it. Using positive thinking as your only coping mechanism can be difficult against dark emotions such as guilt, fear, and shame. If you become accustomed exclusively to positive thoughts, the reality, whenever it happens (and it will happen), will hit hard, leaving the feeling of being irretrievably defeated.

Acceptance is key to building healthy resilience, no matter how bleak the situation. Additionally, acceptance is sometimes the biggest step towards healing, as you can then focus on a treatment plan to manage your pain and confront your dark emotions. 

5. It teaches you to appreciate the good

Avoiding or suppressing your negative emotions will not make them go away; that dark matter mountain you're securing underneath the rug can only impair the positive spectrum you're hanging on to so tightly. It’s part of human nature to avoid pain, nobody enjoys it. We dread it and we fear it. the uneasiness, the suffering, the agony. But, let's think for a moment: what is worse, the actual pain or anticipation? Think about day-to-day situations, the night before a job interview or an exam. Better to get it over with, isn't it? The feeling of immediate easiness, an immense burden taken off your chest. And life is good again. According to addiction recovery experts from Little Creek Recovery, clients who embrace negative emotions are quicker to recover from addiction. Let there be light.

6. The path to self-love

Man walking on bridge path over water. Get advice from a new york therapist on how to embrace darker emotions. Read 6 tips how and then schedule an appointment!

In a world of modern social conditioning and negative social comparison, accepting and loving the self becomes an unattainable goal. The outline of the human ideal overflows countless digital platforms; the pedestal is there for us, mortals, to pursue it. Tirelessly. - without feeling envious, jealous, discriminated against, or humiliated. That's the game. No. We say, embrace it. To feel is to be a living, breathing human being. Every single emotion available is yours to feel without imposing deviant labels or feelings of shame and guilt. There are many situations that may occur in your life that make you angry, sad, or scared, and you have every right to feel each of those emotions. To stand tall and say: "I feel enraged" is a definite sign of moving toward self-love. 

Final Thoughts on Embracing Dark Emotions 

The desire to avoid dark emotions is part of human nature, but by avoiding them we only increase our psychological distress and diminish our mental and physical well-being. Instead, embracing our dark emotions can help us feel in control and live more authentic lives. To embrace dark emotions is to understand your darkness and lean into it, instead of pushing it away. 

Grasp Hold of Your Emotions and Begin to Better Understand Yourself!

And do so in ways that feel comfortable for you. RPS in Manhattan offers both in-person and online therapy in New York City, NY so you can receive support from the comfort of your home.

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Other Services at Rapoport Psychological Services

We are held to such high standards in life. That can lead to anxiety, depression, trauma, stress, burnout, and more. It’s time to rewrite your narrative and become your authentic self. If you need support, we offer therapy for women, but we can help you with specific mental health issues. Additional services we provide include depression treatment, anxiety treatment, PTSD treatment and trauma therapy, testing services for ADHD, professional development, online therapy for moms, life transitions, and group therapy. Lastly, we offer workshops on women’s empowerment, grief, mindfulness, and stress management. We really look forward to walking alongside you and hope you will take the next step and begin in-person or online therapy in New York!

Zoe Rapoport