How to Make (and Keep) A New Year's Resolutions

The New Year symbolizes a fresh start, and setting a resolution can be an exciting time to set new goals.

A close-up of a tablet with the text “plan your year” next to a phone and journal. Learn more about the support a life transition counselor in New York, NY in the new year. Search “mindfulness New York” to learn more about online therapy & more.

However, for some of us, the idea of setting a New Year’s Resolution could bring up feelings of anxiety, dread, and panic. After a busy holiday season, the idea of “reinventing yourself” or setting big goals can instantly seem overwhelming, which is why so often resolutions fail. 

In its most basic form, a resolution is a firm decision to make a change.

The first thing to ask yourself before setting a resolution is “am I ready for a change?” You may be dealing with a loss, or going through a particularly stressful time in life and instead of change you are craving routine, routine, routine…and that’s okay. There’s no hard and fast rule that states you have to set a resolution on January 1st. Do it when you are ready. 

If you are ready now to set a resolution for yourself, we’ve put together a list of simple strategies to help you succeed. 

Be Specific & Detailed When Choosing a Goal

A woman lays on a mat while doing crunches. Learn how a life transition counselor in New York, NY can offer support in accomplishing new years goals. Search “online therapy New York” for more info about therapy for women in New York, NY, and other se

The more specific you are in your goals, the more likely you are to achieve them. If your goal is to “get healthy '' ask yourself what that looks like for you specifically. Does getting healthy mean losing weight? Or walking 3x a week after work? Or limiting the number of sugary sweets you eat? If your goal is to find a new job, what kind of job are you looking for? Are you interested in switching fields altogether or are you looking for a job with better benefits? Being specific in defining your goals will help you narrow down your focus and set yourself up for success. 

Make a List of Actions to Achieve Your Goal 

A close-up of a woman holding a journal titled “my life journal”. Learn how a life transition counselor in New York, NY can offer support with new years goals. Search “online therapy New York” to learn more about therapy for women in new York, NY and

If your goal is to limit social media use, what actions will you take to make this happen? You could start by listing out what you will do each week, such as setting time limits on your phone and finding a different habit (such as reading a book) when you want to reach for your phone and scroll through social media. Try to pick 2-3 actions a week that will support your resolution. Another example, if you want to limit the number of times you eat out each week, some actions could be: grocery shop every week on Sunday, meal prep 4x a time, and order out only on Fridays. 

Set Up a Support System

Once you have a specific goal in mind, it’s time to find support. If your goal is health-related, signing up for support from a personal trainer, a registered dietitian, or a group fitness community can be beneficial. Not only will this help keep you accountable, but you’ll have support for the days when you are struggling. If your goals are more personal and you don’t feel comfortable seeking support from family and friends, finding a trusted therapist can be beneficial to have weekly support. 

Plan for Obstacles & Be Open to Re-evaluate 

An open journal rests on a table that reads “wish for it, hope for it, dream of it, but by all means, do it”. This could represent the drive cultivated by working with a life transitions counselor in New York, NY. Learn more about the support a traum

The hardest part about keeping a resolution comes when we encounter obstacles. This is why finding support can be so beneficial. If your goal is to lose weight and get healthy, this time of year can be difficult if you live in a place where it’s very cold, snowy, and difficult to get outside. You may have set a plan to walk 3x a week, only to find you can barely make it outside some weeks. It’s okay to reevaluate your goals and switch the plan. Instead of walking 3x a week, make it a goal to do an at-home HITT workout on youtube 3x a week. 

Enlist Help from Technology to Track Your Goals

An open notebook and pen rest on a table next to a laptop. Learn how a life transition counselor in New York, NY can offer support with new years goals. Search “online therapy New York” to learn more about therapy for women in New York, NY and more t

Luckily, technology has its benefits when it comes to tracking goals. If your goal is to be more financially responsible, download a budget app that helps you track your monthly expenses. If your goal is to start meditating, download an app that can help you set a weekly meditation goal. Seeing your success right in front of you can be incredibly rewarding and will motivate you to keep trying. 

Creating a resolution can be a great and productive way to set goals and intentions for the new year and beyond. The key is to set realistic goals and set yourself up for success by being detailed in your approach and finding support. Deciding to make a positive change in your life is always a good idea - believing in yourself is key.

Begin Working With A Life Transition Counselor in New York, NY

Keeping new years resolutions is much easier said than done. Our team of therapists can offer support with overcoming obstacles and providing the help you deserve. We are happy to offer online and in-person therapy services from our New York, NY-based practice. You can start your therapy journey by following these simple steps:

  1. Schedule a free consultation

  2. Meet with an in-person or online therapist!

  3. Start achieving your new year’s goals!

Other Services Offered with Rapoport Psychological Services

The new year can bring many new challenges that affect our mental health. This is why our team of caring therapists is happy to offer a variety of services in addition to life transition counseling to support you. We are happy to offer a variety of mental health services including anxiety treatment, PTSD treatment and trauma therapy, testing services for ADHD, professional development, online therapy for moms, and group therapy. Lastly, we offer workshops on women’s empowerment, grief, mindfulness, and stress management. Feel free to learn more by visiting our blog today!

Zoe Rapoport