How to Cope With Difficult Life Transitions

The only thing you can count on in life is change, no matter how cliche it seems. While changes might be difficult, the fear of the change itself can be even more frightening. Each of us undergoes transformations as we grow older and move through various stages of life. However, the adjustments and novelties that come with those changes come with a lot of stress. In fact, some of these transitions may feel completely overwhelming if you don't have the coping tools, the expertise, or the social support to aid you. To successfully navigate the many changes in your life, you must first recognize that you're going through a difficult transition and find ways to cope with it. That's precisely what we're here to help you with – we've consulted experts in psychology and gathered advice that will help you cope with difficult life transitions.

Change spelled in neon lights. It's ok to request assistance when your life change in New York, NY. Allow our psychologists to help. Start life transitions therapy to feel more in charge of your life.

How do you know you're going through a difficult life change? And how to cope with it?

What we mean by a life change is a change or adjustment that substantially impacts your life. It can be something you've been planning for years, or it can startle you and find you completely unprepared. For instance, you could be relocating because of a new job opportunity. On the other hand, it could be a distressing event such as the death of a loved one.

Even milestones such as going to college, turning 40, dealing with working mom stress, experiencing burnout, retiring, or becoming a parent are all considered life changes. They can be thrilling or frightening. It’s important to recognize that no matter how you are feeling, it's essential to have coping mechanisms in place because most of our life transitions happen to us. Therefore it's crucial to know how to deal with the aftermath.

There's always something positive in major life changes

Predictability is something that most of us value in our daily lives. We are afraid and anxious because of the uncertainty, making most changes difficult and stressful to cope with. Even though life transitions can be overwhelming and make you nervous and scared, they always come with something positive.

Successfully navigating a life transition can leave one feeling stronger, more self-assured, and better prepared for what is ahead. As a result of a life change, you may obtain new knowledge or develop new talents. It's also possible that these changes will help you realize what's most important in your life and help you better understand yourself.

Ways to cope with difficult life changes and transitions in New York, NY

Not all life transitions affect us the same way. Going through an especially difficult change can cause depression, anxiety, changes in eating habits, difficulty sleeping, and even substance abuse or addiction. That's why finding ways to successfully cope with difficult life transitions is essential.

Shift happens spelled in scrabble tiles. You are allowed to ask for support when life changes in New York , NY. Let our psychologists support you. Begin life transitions therapy and begin feeling more in control.

Remember that, as we're all different, there is no universal solution that works for everyone. If you feel stuck and too overwhelmed, don't be afraid to ask for help from a therapist who specializes in managing difficult life transitions. Don't feel discouraged because other people seem to be handling it easier. You never know what a person is going through. After all, it's highly likely your loved ones have no idea how you're feeling now, right?

But let's cut to the chase! Here are expert tips to help you cope with any change life might throw your way.

Prepare (when possible)

Sometimes, unexpected life circumstances happen and turn your life upside down. However, in some cases, you'll be more in control, and in those cases, preparing ahead of time is one of the best methods to ensure that everything goes according to plan. Therefore, recognize the impact the change will have on your life and start planning accordingly.

For example, moving is one of the most stressful events you can experience in your life. However, even when it's short notice, you still have some time to prepare for what's waiting for you and make the process enjoyable. You can take that time to research moving day tips, hire professionals to help you, and prepare in any other way that will make the process easier for you.

Set rational expectations

If you set unrealistic expectations and do not meet them, it's only natural to feel frustrated and stressed. For example, if you expect your divorce to end quickly, even though evidence shows otherwise, you'll end up feeling disappointed. Instead of avoiding anxiety, try to accept that they're inevitable and set up coping mechanisms to help you manage your stress. Reach out to a family member to ask for help, or schedule a relaxing activity you enjoy doing such as a painting class or a trip to the bookstore. 

Remember your previous experiences

Upset guy in blue hoodie. Are you looking for support with life changes in new york, ny? We offer therapy for women who are struggling. begin life transitions therapy and get the anxiety treatment or trauma therapy you are seeking.

If you've been through a difficult life transition before, you know what it's like to succeed at it. When confronted with a new difficulty, draw strength from the fact that you've dealt with similar situations in the past. Yes, dealing with the tree falling on your roof was a stressful and expensive event, but you managed to get through it. You’ve also likely helped others through stressful times in the past, so ask yourself what you would say to a friend going through a similar life change.

Turn to your support network

When things feel too difficult to handle, don't hesitate to help those who can help you. One of the most crucial aspects of successfully managing change is having strong social support. An online community of people going through the same thing as you can be a great source of inspiration and advice. You can even join virtual therapy groups from the comfort of your home.

The bottom line

We hope our article helped you learn how to recognize life changes and cope with them, no matter how difficult they might be. However, sometimes even with all of your efforts, it can be challenging and hard to convince that doubtful little voice inside of you that you have it in you to go through anything successfully. If you end up feeling stuck and too overwhelmed, don't give up because you're not alone in feeling that way. Instead, turn to an experienced Manhattan psychologist for help and start overcoming any challenge you might face.

Get Support with Life Changes in New York, NY!

And do so in ways that feel comfortable for you. RPS in Manhattan offers both in-person and online therapy in New York City, NY so you can receive support from the comfort of your home.

  1. Schedule a free consultation

  2. We’ll reach out within 48 hours to answer your questions and match you with the perfect in-person or online therapist!

  3. Schedule your first appointment and start to heal

Other Services at Rapoport Psychological Services

We are held to such high standards in life. That can lead to anxiety, depression, trauma, stress, burnout, and more. It’s time to rewrite your narrative and become your authentic self. If you need support, we offer therapy for women, but we can help you with specific mental health issues. Additional services we provide include depression treatment, anxiety treatment, PTSD treatment and trauma therapy, life transitions, testing services for ADHD, including adult ADHD and child ADHD, online therapy for moms, Coaching with Dr. Zoe, professional development, and group therapy. Lastly, we offer workshops on women’s empowerment, grief, mindfulness, and stress management. We really look forward to walking alongside you and hope you will take the next step and begin in-person or online therapy in New York!

Zoe Rapoport