You always feel behind and disorganized and don’t understand why.

Perhaps, you can’t seem to get started on tasks you know need to be done until the very last second.

It seems like you can’t get things done as easily as your coworkers and friends.

This has left you wondering if you might have ADHD. However, you did well enough in school that it was left alone. Now that you’re on your own, trying to find a routine and figure out work. Honestly, you’re struggling to stay on track.

Adult symptoms of ADHD can overlap significantly with anxiety, making it more difficult to identify as ADHD. You’ve typically made it through school with high enough grades to stay under the radar, maybe labeled as “easily distracted” but no behavior problems or hyperactivity issues were present.

Adults who struggle with ADHD have always had it. However, they were in structured environments, like schools, with plenty of external structures and support that help keep you on track. With the support of teachers and parents that tell you what you need to do on a daily basis, it was hard to catch.

That all changes in college and when you join the working world. Suddenly you’re in charge of your schedule and organization, and it’s harder than you thought it would be.

Woman writing on notebook. Adult ADHD testing in New York, NY can help you better understand the disorder. Talk with an online therapist and see how psychological evaluations and neuropsychological testing in New York, NY may help.

Inattentive type ADHD is easy to overlook in school, especially if you’re skilled at reading, writing, and general school subjects. The symptoms are more internal, like distractibility, lack of stamina for attention, feeling “brain fog”, or just being a little bit “spacey".”

A Neuropsychological Evaluation in New York, NY can help you understand how your brain works and processes information.

If you’ve ever wondered if you have ADHD or “something” that makes daily life seem more difficult for you, a Neuropsychological Testing/Psychological Evaluation can help you understand your personal strengths and weaknesses.

What is a Neuropsychological Evaluation?

Each psychological evaluation consists of a series of ADHD tests, completed in blocks of around 4 hours over 1-2 days by a licensed professional. The adult ADHD testing will look at a variety of intellectual and cognitive abilities including:

  • Verbal and Nonverbal intellectual abilities;

  • Academic strengths and weaknesses

  • Acquired knowledge and gaps in knowledge (which is very common with ADHD)

  • Memory abilities

  • Language skills

  • Visual-motor coordination

  • Abstract reasoning abilities

  • Executive functioning skills (like inhibition, stamina, and organization)

  • And of course, Attention.

Woman biting pencil and looking at computer. Ready for a change? Talk with an online therapist about ADHD in women. We can help you better understand with ADHD testing today. Call now and try neuropsychological testing in New York, NY

What could your life look like with the right resources for managing ADHD?

Unmanaged ADHD can make your life more difficult than it needs to be. Understanding how you work best and specific strategies to manage attention and executive functioning struggles can make the difference between surviving and thriving. With the use of ADHD Testing, Psychological Evaluations, and Neurological Testing, you can better understand you!

Make order out of disorder by understanding yourself

Getting ADHD testing and recommendations from a skilled in-person or online ADHD Specialist can help you find a better way to live. It’s time to take action and speak with someone who can support you. If you’re ready to take that next step and schedule a psychological evaluation/neurological testing, we would be honored to work with you.

  1. Contact Rapoport Psychological Services to schedule a free consultation

  2. An ADHD specialist will reach out within 48 hours to answer your questions and schedule your evaluation!

  3. Get your results and start to get organized!

Other Services at Rapoport Psychological Services Offers:

Busy desk with papers, pencils, laptop and piled books. Neuropsychological testing and psychological evaluations in New York, NY can help you find more order with ADHD in women. If you're ready for a change of pace, try ADHD testing

Getting support is important for everyone. We strive to support women and help them overcome whatever is holding them back. Additionally, our goal is to help empower you to take action in your life. If you’re seeking support with ADHD and learning disabilities, we can help. However if you’re looking for another service we provide depression treatment, anxiety treatment, therapy for women, therapy for PTSD, online therapy for moms, Coaching with Dr. Zoe, life transitions, professional development, and group therapy. Additionally, we offer workshops on women’s empowerment, grief, mindfulness, and stress management. We really look forward to walking alongside you and hope you will take the next step and begin in-person or online therapy in New York!