7 Tips to Prevent Burnout When Working From Home

7 Tips to Prevent Burnout When Working From Home

Working from home is both a blessing and a curse. For example, it is incredibly convenient to go directly from bed to your workstation instead of getting ready and commuting to work, but it also has many disadvantages. The biggest one is that, after some time, it is all too easy for the lines between work and personal life to blur. You may notice you've been taking fewer lunch breaks and even working during the weekend since you started working from home.

Although it's not uncommon, it's also not great for your mental health and work-life balance. If you kept up on the same rhythm for a while, you could start feeling burnt out. So what can you do to avoid these common signs of burnout? Our online therapists in New York, NY compiled a list of all our best tips to prevent burnout when working from home!

What Is Burnout?

According to medical professionals, burnout is a type of stress. You could feel emotionally, physically, and psychologically worn out. Anyone may become burned out, which often happens when someone feels overburdened and unable to keep up with constant demands. Some of the most common signs of burnout include constant migraines and stomach pain, panic attacks, a lack of effort and effectiveness, inability to focus, etc.

How To Prevent Burnout Working From Home in New York, NY?

Tip #1: Set Boundaries

It can be challenging to establish a distinct division between work and personal time when there is no office to go to, and the physical activity of a commute is substituted with a quick stroll from the bedroom to another area in the home. That's why one of the first things you need to do is set boundaries to achieve a better work-life balance. This means you should put all your job activities on hold after the workday. Don't look at your emails, don't check Slack, and don't text your colleagues. Instead, concentrate on choosing a task that enables you to step away from work and adopt a non-work attitude. Take up hobbies that fill up your free time and include vastly different activities than your work.

Tip #2: Come Up With a Routine

While it may be tempting to jump out of bed two minutes before you need to log in, acting like you're getting ready for work might help you focus and be more productive. Plan out your day's activities, including when you'll finish each task. Establish expectations with your manager regarding when you'll be logged on if distractions are unavoidable. You should not feel like you're living in a Groundhog Day scenario. However, you still should keep a structure around your workday to prevent burnout working from home.

Tip #3: Set Up Your Workspace

Whether it's a home office or a nook in the kitchen, picking a dedicated workstation with few interruptions is a smart idea. Find a location distinct from the areas you typically spend time for leisure. This is one of those things that will help you separate your work-life from your life-life and not feel as if you're on the clock all the time. It's almost like going to the office, except shorter.

After some time, you may feel compelled to take your laptop to your bed. If you can, try to resist this urge.

Tip #4: Talk To Your Boss

When it comes to burnout working from home in New York, NY, being open with trusted coworkers and senior staff can be very beneficial. It gives managers insight into areas where employees need assistance. If you have too much work, let your manager know. Other employees likely feel the same way, and your supervisor may address the issue by hiring a new starter. Open and honest interactions will encourage the adjustments you need to make for a happy time at work.

Tip #5: Take Time Off

Removing oneself from a harmful circumstance is not shameful. Even if some would contest that working from home is simple, you still deserve time to recuperate. We can all experience burnout working from home and we need to replenish our batteries. To hasten your recovery, take sick days or reserve some yearly leave.

Woman sitting on rock looking over trees. At our online therapy practice we can help you with burnout from working from home in New York, NY. Signs of burnout are more common than you know in this space. Try therapy for women and see how we can help!

Tip #6: Try To Avoid Mind-Altering Substances

Burnout can be a lot like depression at times. If you feel yourself starting to burn out, you might reach for alcohol or other mind-altering substances. If it's in a healthy dose, there's nothing to be concerned about. However, if your burnout makes you drink every night, this could be a real problem. Moreover, if you're struggling or you used to struggle with addiction, try to recognize the red flags and get help as soon as possible. Limiting the intake of alcohol would be a great step in getting better.

Tip #7: Practice Self Care

When you work remotely, your health takes on greater importance. This is because less stressed individuals are more likely to see their jobs positively. Although everyone's experience with working from home is different, you should always make time for yourself. Try to do what you feel like your mind and body need, even if it's only going for a stroll during the day or only checking your email at regular intervals.

If you need a warm bath at the end of a long day, allow yourself that pleasure. If you want to prepare yourself an elaborate home-cooked meal - do it! Or order in if you don't feel like cooking that day. Take care of yourself and put your needs first.

Final Thoughts on Burnout Working from Home

Take action to prevent burnout working from home if you notice that your productivity is suffering due to feeling alone or overburdened. As with any employment, there can be difficulties, such as juggling work and personal obligations and drawing lines between them. It's not easy to set boundaries, but it's necessary and can benefit you greatly. In the end, it's all about doing what you feel is the best and taking frequent breaks when you feel like you need them.

Ready to Get Support with Burnout Working from Home? Try Therapy for Women in New York, NY!

Connect with one of our individual online therapists in New York City, NY to discuss stress management skills for working from home.

And do so in ways that feel comfortable for you. RPS in Manhattan offers both in-person and online therapy in New York City, NY so you can receive support from the comfort of your home.

  1. Schedule a free consultation

  2. We’ll reach out within 48 hours to answer your questions and match you with the perfect in-person or online therapist!

  3. Schedule your first appointment and start to develop some healthy routines for working from home!

Other Services at Rapoport Psychological Services

We are held to such high standards in life, no wonder we deal with anxiety, depression, trauma, stress, burnout, and so much more. It’s time to structure your boundaries, take time for yourself, and learn to communicate boundaries. If you need support, we offer therapy for women, and we can help you with specific mental health issues. Additional services we provide include depression treatment, anxiety treatment, online therapy for moms, life transitions, Coaching with Dr. Zoe, PTSD treatment and trauma therapy, testing services for ADHD, professional development, and group therapy. Lastly, we offer workshops on women’s empowerment, grief, mindfulness, and assertive communication. We really look forward to walking alongside you and hope you will take the next step and begin in-person or online therapy in New York!

Zoe Rapoport