5 Ways to Upgrade Your Summer Self-Care

Woman on bed with book and coffee. Are you recovering from anxiety, depression, or burnout? Summer self-care in new york, Ny matters. You are in a fast paced environment. Need support? Begin therapy for women in New York, NY

Summer is right around the corner and although this season is portrayed as a time to slow down and enjoy the sunshine, many of us do the exact opposite by overscheduling ourselves or putting others' needs before our own. It can be easy to become wrapped up in organizing family vacations, scheduling summer camps for the kids, or planning the perfect date night with your spouse. While all of those activities are important, it is equally important to ask yourself this summer “what do I need?” 

Summer Self-Care is Possible and Necessary!

Self-care in summer may be challenging but it is not impossible, it just takes a little more creativity. Self-care is different for everyone, but in its most basic form, it is about taking time for yourself to relax and take part in activities that allow you to feel refreshed. Here are five tips to help you upgrade your summer self-care 

Research Community Events

The winter season can feel isolating because the cold weather draws everyone inside. As soon as spring hits, neighbors seem to trickle out of their homes to tidy up their yards and families go for evening walks together. Take some time to seek out events happening in your community: garage sales, bake sales, free movie nights, or outdoor concerts to help you feel connected to your community while participating in something you enjoy.

Eat Seasonal Produce  

Take a trip to the local farmer’s market in the summer and you’ll find a wide variety of locally-grown fresh fruits and vegetables. Studies show that eating seasonally has many nutritional benefits (berries, for example, are full of antioxidants that can help protect your skin from sun damage). If you enjoy cooking, a farmer’s market is a great time to ask questions about how to properly prepare the fruits and vegetables you are buying. It may even inspire you to start your own vegetable or flower garden. 

Wooden nature path. Being in nature can reduce anxiety, depression, and stress. Incorporate this into your summer self-care in New York, NY. Or begin therapy for women for additional support.

Intentionally Spend Time in Nature 

Summer itself is an invitation to explore nature. Enjoy a walk down a shaded trail and notice the flowers that have bloomed. Skip eating lunch inside and pack a picnic to enjoy at a local park. Research local farms to see if they offer strawberry picking in June or blueberry picking in August. If you are traveling, seek out activities you and your family can enjoy outside together. 

Find Fun Ways to Hydrate

As much as we love that summer weather, it’s easy to forget how important it is to drink water. Summer is a great time to use that fresh produce and add it to your water. Slice fresh lemons and toss a handful of blueberries into a cold pitcher of water to stay hydrated. Or better yet, get creative with some sparkling water “mocktails.” Try a summer self-care get-together with some friends and enjoy.

Start a Mindfulness Habit 

Woman in pink sitting and meditating. Let's upgrade your summer self-care in New York, NY. Anxiety, depression, and stress can be managed. If you need help therapy for women in New York, NY can help you thrive. Start to upgrade your summer self-care

Initiating summer self-care in New York, NY is a great time to reflect on your goals. Those New Year's Resolutions you set in January may have fallen by the wayside (which happens for most of us) but summer can feel like a fresh start. If you have been wanting to incorporate meditation, try incorporating a 2-3 mediation sessions in the morning before you start your day. If you feel discouraged with your fitness routine, research local gyms to see if they offer free workouts in the park during the summer. If journaling is something you want to try, pick a nice shady spot in your neighborhood to sit down and write a few times each week. 

Start Upgrading Your Summer Self-Care in New York, NY Today! 

Summer self-care should never feel like a chore. It can be difficult to figure out where to begin, especially if you are dealing with a trauma or a stressful time in life, and that’s where Rapoport Psychological Services can help. If you are ready to get support, follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact Rapoport Psychological Services

  2. Learn about our therapy team

  3. Start upgrading your summer self-care year-round.

Other Services Offered at Rapoport Psychological Services

If you need additional support, we offer therapy for women. However, we can help with specific mental health issues and we also provide workshops on women’s empowerment, grief, mindfulness, and stress management. Other therapy services include, trauma therapy, anxiety treatment, ADHD testing for adults, ADHD testing for kids, life transitions, coaching with Dr. Zoe, professional development, and neurological testing. We are ready to help you take the next steps toward a more fulfilling life. Please reach out to us to take the next steps to begin in-person or online therapy in New York

Zoe Rapoport