Therapy for New Moms: The Importance of Putting Your Mental Health First as a New Mom

Why Is Putting Your Mental Health First So Important as a new mom?

Mom sitting on couch stressed while kids run around. Its ok to feel like an overwhelmed mom, especially if you are a new one. If you need support, lets talk in therapy for new moms in New York, NY so you can learn to manage working mom stress and mor

We all know that being a new mom is tough. It can be exhausting, overwhelming, and downright depressing. The demands of caring for a new baby are so great that it can be hard to take care of yourself during this time.

But in fact, it’s just the opposite. We can't forget about our mental and physical health as new moms. I know exactly how hard it is to do this and experienced the results of not taking care of myself in those first weeks. 

Eight days out I was back in the hospital, dehydrated, severely anemic, and exhausted, and couldn’t take care of myself or my baby. I had help and still didn’t take care of myself because of guilt, hormones, fatigue, and anxiety. The first question they asked was “how much water have you been drinking?” I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had even half a glass.

That was a real wake-up call that I not only had to have help, but I also had to use the help that was offered and available to me.

Our mental health is a key factor in how we feel and think, and will significantly impact the way we interact with other people. Especially our new little ones. If you’re struggling to find joy in your day and interactions with your new baby, that’s a clear sign that you need some help. This can be either with mental health in therapy for new moms, or just day-to-day care. 

5 Tips from Therapy for New Moms in New York, NY On ways to take care of yourself as a new mom:

Professionals supporting each other. Navigating being an overwhelmed mom , working mom stress, and postpartum isn't easyl. Learn how as a stressed mom you can manage. Learn about therapy for new moms in New York, NY
  1. Make a list of daily things you need to do for yourself. I mean basic stuff- like drink water, eat fiber-filled food, take your pain medicine. I’m sure you already have a list for baby so this list is for you.

  2. Naps are an absolute must. I know, everyone says to sleep when the baby sleeps but you need to do laundry or dishes or whatever else. So here is your permission to buy some paper plates and heat and eat meals and go to sleep!

  3. Take shifts with your partner and if you can’t, have family or outside help come in so you can actually rest and breathe.

  4. Talk to other moms about their experiences as new moms and what helped them the most, or talk to your doctor or therapist if you feel you may be struggling with Postpartum Depression.

  5. Join an in-person or online support group in New York, where other people who have had similar experiences can share their coping strategies and survival tips with each other

Why It Is Necessary for New Moms to Take Care of Themselves Before Taking Care of their Baby

It is important to be aware of your own needs and take care of yourself first before taking care of your baby or children. Remember, you put on your oxygen mask first so you can better take care of your loved ones. In the first few months of a baby's life, mothers are constantly caring for their child and neglecting themselves. This self-neglect impacts bonding, physical health, and mental health. 

It’s essential to find ways to take care of at least your basic needs as a new mom. 

  • Eating healthy, nutritious foods helps you feel energized, helps your breastfeeding (if you choose to do so), and will help you heal from the changes your body has just gone through. 

  • An exercise regimen when you’re cleared by your doctor will further help you heal and get back your pelvic floor strength and can even help you bond more with baby (I’m looking at you Mommy and me yoga!) 

  • And last but of course not least, SLEEP WHENEVER YOU CAN!! 

Becoming a new mom is sudden, scary, exciting, and overwhelming. 

Besides your hormones surging, societal pressure to simply “know” how to be a mom is intense and completely unrealistic. It is completely normal to need time to bond with your new baby and feel disconnected, whether your birth was easy or difficult, whether your pregnancy was easy or difficult. There are support groups and online support groups in New York, NY out there for wherever you are in the process or physical location and you do not have to do this alone. 

Woman breathing in peace. As a mom you are going to be pulled in various directions. Therapy for new moms in New York, NY can help you balance. See how online therapy in New York State may support you.

You Deserve Support Too! Therapy for New Moms in New York, NY Can Help!

At Rapaport Psychological Services, we aspire to help you feel comfortable and work on your new role as a mom. RPS in Manhattan offers both in-person and online therapy in New York City, NY so you can receive support from the comfort of your home.

  1. Schedule a free consultation

  2. We’ll reach out within 48 hours to answer your questions and match you with the perfect in-person or online therapist!

  3. Schedule your first appointment and start to take care of yourself in a way that supports you and your loved ones.

    Other Services at Rapoport Psychological Services

Mom, you do the most, but you need support as well. If you are not careful, this can lead to anxiety, depression, trauma, stress, burnout, and more. It’s time to rewrite your narrative and become your authentic self. If you need support, we offer therapy for women, but we can help you with specific mental health issues. Additional services we provide include depression treatment, anxiety treatment, PTSD treatment and trauma therapy, testing services for ADHD, professional development, therapy for women, life transitions, coaching with Dr. Zoe, and group therapy. Lastly, we offer workshops on women’s empowerment, grief, mindfulness, and stress management. We really look forward to walking alongside you and hope you will take the next step and begin in-person or online therapy in New York!

Zoe Rapoport